Study: Young Adults Prefer COVID-19 Over Weight Gain in Pandemic

Recently, the Mizzou College of Human Environmental Sciences conducted a study with nearly 900 young adults about body image and eating patterns during the pandemic. According to the study, more than 40 percent felt it was worse to gain 25 pounds during self-quarantine than to contract COVID-19.
Of the 900 young people polled, 40 percent of women agreed with the statement, and 45 percent of men agreed with the statement. Further details have yet to be released, as the department is still finalizing the report.
This news compounds the continuing fatphobia practiced in the United States. Back in 2006, a study conducted by Yale University found that up to 30 percent of people would leave their spouse if they gained weight, while up to five percent polled would rather lose vision or a limb than be overweight.