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Strutter Turns One

Strutter was launched in September 2015 as an e-commerce site for vintage plus size clothing. Then I realized I was over my head. The combination of my distant retail experience and knowledge as a frustrated plus size shopper did not help me running Strutter as a clothing site. So I shifted gears.

As an editor, I noticed there wasn't a place for plus size news beyond the established plus size fashion blogs. The bloggers in the plus size game have been doing it for awhile, and do it well, but personally, I think there's bigger news out there than how to wear plus size leggings. Strutter was rebranded as a news site on April 1, 2016 and, frankly, it's been an uphill battle ever since.

Here's the problem: I don't consider what's labeled as "plus size news" actual news. Some examples: Celebrities who protest being unfairly labeled as "plus size". A plus size model wearing a bathing suit to the beach isn't news either. Ten ways to wear plus size leggings. Yet this is what dominates "plus size news." In the era of fake news, the plus size community isn't immune to it. Do you really need to read yet another article about "rocking denim in any size?"

So, what does Strutter consider news for the plus size circle? Plus size models featured in mainstream media. Plus size clothing labels calling out a huge fashion event for more inclusively. Industry award shows that seemingly vanish over night.

While it's frustrating combing numerous news sites and blogs for something worthy of Strutter only to come up empty, that doesn't mean I'm ready to shutter the site. Strutter will keep posting, in hopes that more people are interested in what's going on in the plus size world.

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Onward and upward.


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