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As (Not) Seen on TV: Jeans Ad With Plus Size Olympic Weight Lifter Won't Air During The Olympics

Olympic weightlifter Sarah Robles is featured in a new ad from 360 Stretch, a denim brand for women sizes 12 to 24. However, the ad won't air during the duration of The Olympics.

360 Stretch is not an official Olympic partner, so from now until August 24, the #StrongLikeSarah campaign will be organically shared via traditional and online social media channels

The ad features Robles wearing 360 Stretch jeans while doing both Olympic Competition Lifts (Snatch and Clean and Jerk). The #StrongLikeSarah campaign is the second in the multi-series #LivingIn360 campaign (the first campaign featured professional plus size yoga instructors Dana Falsetti and Jessamyn Stanley).

Jessica Svoboda, owner, SVOBODA & 360 Stretch brands found Robles inspiring, but was upset with the media overlooking her accomplishments but reporting on what online commenters said about Robles' appearance. "She had just reached the highest pinnacle of her career, and Sarah had to read negative comments on her looks, body and clothing in the press," says Svoboda. "Then, to find out, although she could lift more weight than almost any other woman on the planet, and was ranked higher than any other American weightlifter (male or female), she could not get a traditional weightlifting sponsorship due to her size. I decided 360 Stretch should create an advertisement campaign truly representative of this elite athlete."

National online advertising for Robles' 360 Stretch spot will be reinstated on August 25.


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