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Designers Finally Get It, Create Extended Lines
Earlier this week, shoe designer Jeffrey Campbell announced the launch of a capsule shoe collection featuring extended sizes. Designed in...
Strutter Summary for 7/8
Folks, it was a SLOW news week for Strutter. That fat-shaming on a plane story got a lot of mileage, no pun attended. In fact, it was the...
Strutter Summary for 5/21
Ladies and Gentlemen, this was a tough week for Strutter. However, I did find some news you can use. And away we go... Plus size designer...
TODAY! JC Penney Livestreams Ashley Nell Tipton Fashion Show
New York Fashion Week is upon us. To kick things off, JC Penney will launch its capsule collection with designer Ashley Nell Tipton for...
EXCLUSIVE: JCP's Boutique Plus Launch at Manhattan Mall
Strutter discovered the news of the launch of Boutique Plus at JC Penney in the Manhattan Mall by chance. When checking Instagram this...
Ashley Nell Tipton Line Hits JCPenney
Last week, plus-size designer Ashley Nell Tipton announced her new line...of nail polish, with Sally Beauty Supply. Great, but a little...
Nailing the Look
News of today's new line from "Project Runway" winner Ashley Nell Tipton might be disappointing to fans of the plus-size designer. Tipton...
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