Plus Size Significance
It’s Plus Size Appreciation Day , a time to reflect on how much progress plus size people have made in society in recent years. At last count, close to 70% of women are considered “plus size,” a size 14 and above. Society is sloooowly learning that we aren’t a silent majority. Our voices are being heard, and we’re demanding respect. Here’s where plus size people are flourishing: Fashion: Think back to 20 years ago. Buying plus size clothing was bleak, and stores carrying anything above a size 12 were few and far between. Plus size fashion is much more accessible. There are options , fast-fashion to high-end, formal to workout clothing. In the last five years, there are more plus size models (men and women) on the runway during Fashion Week. Health and Wellness: Society is coming around to the notion that there are just as many fit people above a size 10 as those who are unhealthy as a size two. (Guess which one gets cut more slack by doctors?) The Health at Every Size movement means there’s no reason to visit h a dismissive doctor who might ignore life-threatening symptoms because of where you fall on the BMI chart. And if you read FabUplus , then you already know how strong plus size women can be. Plus size visibility in society: We’re on the big screen . We’re on the small screen . We’re on the catwalk . We’re dominating social media . We’re best-selling authors . We write books that get adapted for television . We’re unavoidable. However, there’s always room for improvement—namely, our bodies as punchlines. Fat jokes are still acceptable in 2020? You know, “Quarantine 15” and all? Let’s leave it behind this year.